my love, if forever has and end i will love you forever and a day my love stays true like the tower of eiffel that stands through the years purposeeau de parfumjenis kelaminwanitainstructions perfume that is specially formulated in paris, france, it is dedicated to fulfill the romantic side of a woman. shaped in the miniature of the eiffel tower, this is the perfect gift for the one you love the most. wewangian yang diformulasikan di paris, perancis, didedikasikan khusus untuk melengkapi sisi romantis seorang wanita. mengambil bentuk mini dari menara eiffel, parfum ini sangat sesuai sebagai persembahan bagi dia yang paling anda kasihi.
ingredients : perfume that is specially formulated in paris, france, it is dedicated to fulfill the romantic side of a woman. shaped in the miniature of the eiffel tower, this is the perfect gift for the one you love the most. wewangian yang diformulasikan di paris, pe
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